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  • August6th


    Here’s a sneak peek at our debut issue, which is literally not quite yet off the presses…

    Adirondack Weddings | The Wedding Magazine being printedAdirondack Weddings | The Wedding Magazine being printed
    Adirondack Weddings | The Wedding Magazine being printed

    A bit of behind-the-scenes drama: We actually had the magazine printed back in July with another company—unfortunately, this company botched the job terribly. The pages were wrinkled, the margins were off, and to add insult to injury, they even printed the covers on the wrong kind of paper (matte instead of glossy). When we saw what had happened, we immediately made a frantic phone call to another printer, who was able to fit us into their schedule for the following week. We were lucky it worked out, because it often takes more than a month to schedule the printing of such a large job. Days later, we were at the plant above, and voilà—still on track for an August release!