• Articles
  • September6th


    Outdoor adventure in the Adirondacks is not only fun, it’s also uncommonly scenic. To celebrate these last days of lush, green foliage and warm, sunny weather, we’ve gathered up a dozen photos illustrating our summertime travels around the Park. We’ll begin with a view of the setting sun over Lake Champlain…

    The Adirondack Mountains tower in the background of this image, which was taken from across the lake in Charlotte, Vermont. Moving to the New York side of the shore, Lake Champlain and a cluster of shoreline mountains are photographed from the ruins at Crown Point.

    Crown Point Ruins at Lake Champlain | Adirondack Weddings Magazine
    Moving north, this pair of ducks (perhaps a married couple?!) swim in the waters of Lake Champlain near downtown Plattsburgh. This waterfront area, off Bridge Street, is a popular place for fishing and bird watching.

    Lake Champlain Ducks | Adirondack Weddings Magazine

    Heading south again, we see a mountain view from Ticonderoga, in the direction of the Pharoah Lake Wilderness.

    Ticonderoga Summer in the Adirondacks | Adirondacks Weddings Magazine
    Time to hit the beach! This puppy dog is enjoying the sand beneath her paws at Ausable Point in Peru.

    Summer in the Adirondacks | Ausable Point | Adirondack Weddings Magazine
    Summer wouldn’t be complete without a trip across the Adirondack Park! Below, a dock juts into Loon Lake, while beyond, boats and summer camps dot the shoreline.

    Summer in the Adirondacks | Loon Lake | Adirondack Weddings Magazine
    While this little guy might be a less-than-welcoming sight, raccoons are plentiful throughout the Adirondack region and can sometimes be spotted during the day. Photograph them from a safe distance if you’d like, but definitely don’t approach or feed them — even if they’re cute!

    Fall must be coming — hide, turkeys, hide! This flock of wild turkeys runs across a lawn in Indian Lake.

    Wild Turkeys | Summer in the Adirondacks | Adirondack Weddings Magazine
    Lush, thick greenery frames a babbling Adirondack brook in Peru.

    Also in Peru, Canadian Geese enjoy a private pond all to themselves, hidden deep in the woods and camouflaged by tall grass and purple wildflowers.

    Summer in the Adirondacks | Pond | Adirondack Weddings Magazine
    Summer in the Adirondacks | Canadian Geese | Adirondack Weddings Magazine
    Summer in the Adirondacks | Canadian Geese | Adirondack Weddings Magazine
    And there you have it! Our summer days are dwindling, but that’s okay, because soon we’ll enjoy the dramatic bursts of foliage that signal the arrival of fall in the Adirondacks. Doesn’t that sound good? Farewell, summer, and welcome fall!